29 Aug 2014

A few travel photos

Rome, a fantastic trip, a city full of history, monuments, churches, the monumental museum of the Vatican, the Basilica , Castel Sant'Angelo castle with 19 centuries, and much more there is to see.
Fontana de Trevi, Rome, Italy
Taj Mahal, Agra, Indie
Door in Varanasi, Indie

India, a country of contrasts, the monumental side to side with the simple, natural beauty or manmade buidings without any order, and simple images that cheer us by the color and symbolism of the presentation.

Temple of the Monkeys, Katmandu, Nepal

Nepal with its mantras, colorful shrines and natural beauty breathtaking.

  Stairs to Temple of the Monkeys, Katmandu, Nepal
Temple of the Monkeys, Katmandu, Nepal